Pool water Monitor EcO: Paul's Testimonial ( Indianapolis, IN)

Pool water Monitor EcO: Paul's Testimonial ( Indianapolis, IN)

Yes, it's been great, I no longer have to doubt myself about water treatments and I have learned what my hot tub needs.

Paul Biedler, Indianapolis IN

We recently got to chat with Paul about his inflatable hot tub and some of the challenges he had before using iopool.

We are always looking to improve our services and products, and one of the best ways to find out where we can improve is by talking directly with our customers. Paul had many great ideas on ways we could improve. Here are some of the highlights of our conversation.

Why did you buy iopool? I never owned a pool or a hot tub before, I was having an algae problem, so I needed some help and wanted to be sure I was carrying out the treatments correctly.

How often do you and your family use your hot tub and what were some problems you had before using iopool? We use it very frequently since we have been home a lot this year. We are in it about 4 times a week. Before I had iopool it was frustrating not knowing if I was properly treating the hot tub.

Has iopool taken a significant mental load off? Yes, it's been great, I no longer have to doubt myself about water treatments and I have learned what my hot tub needs.

What is something you would like to see added or changed to iopool’s services? It would be great if the chemical ordering process could be made directly in the app instead of the app bringing me to the iopool website. I feel that would make it easier and more convenient. I would also like the option of being able to replace the EcO monitor’s battery instead of having to send it back for a replacement monitor if it dies.

Becoming an iopool customer has helped Paul with his previous algae problem, and has also given him the proper tools to give him peace of mind that his hot tub is 100% safe.

Paul, we are so happy that we can bring you some peace of mind!

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