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Understanding your EcO probe: what you need to know

Understanding your EcO probe: what you need to know

The EcO probe is an essential tool for keeping your pool or spa water clean and balanced. It is designed to make your life easier by automatically monitoring the key parameters of the water using advanced technology. However, it’s common to have questions about its different components, particularly the sensors and the battery, which play important but distinct roles. Here’s a simple explanation to help you better understand their function and lifespan.

The Sensors: The Heart of the Measurement

The sensors in the EcO probe are the components that measure key water parameters such as pH, temperature, and Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP). Each sensor specializes in a specific function:

  • pH Sensor: Measures the acidity or basicity of the water.
  • Temperature Sensor: Monitors the water temperature to ensure bathing comfort and the effectiveness of chemical treatments.
  • ORP Sensor (Oxidation-Reduction Potential): Measures the water’s ability to destroy contaminants, assessing its disinfecting power.

These sensors are the heart of the probe because they provide you with information about the water’s condition, helping you maintain a healthy swimming environment.

The sensors are designed to last between two and three years, depending on usage. Their lifespan is primarily linked to the depletion of chemical reagents they use to measure water parameters. Although they are robust, these reagents degrade over time, affecting measurement accuracy. Therefore, it’s important to periodically replace the sensors to ensure the probe continues to function properly and provides reliable data.

The Battery: The Energy Behind the Probe

The battery in the probe is responsible for providing the necessary energy for the sensors to function continuously. The battery has a minimum lifespan of three years; make sure to winterize it properly to extend its life.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered—a battery replacement kit will soon be available!

In Summary

The sensors are the measuring components, while the battery provides the energy. The sensors have a lifespan of two to three years while the battery has a lifespan of minimum three years. By taking care of these components, you ensure that your EcO probe will perform optimally over the long term.

EcO Update 2024 - What’s New?

Our Eco Update 2024 monitor features enhanced waterproofing with stainless steel screws and a silicone seal. It allows effortless replacement of individual parts while preserving the PCB and plastic casing for greater durability. The new firmware also enables pool activity tracking features.

Feel free to contact our customer support for any additional questions about maintaining your EcO probe.


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