Treating My Hot-Tub With Bromine? Yes! Here Is Why!

We are used to hearing that water disinfection is done with chlorine. However, bromine is as effective and particularly hot-tub-friendly. This article will tell you everything!
It’s a chemical product that has similar properties to chlorine. It is used for pool water disinfection but more often for spas/hot-tubs. It is an oxidant and disinfectant that enables water to eliminate all the harmful microorganisms that accumulate.
Bromine is also a great anti-algae. Therefore, it represents a good maintenance product and doesn't require the use of additional chemicals for disinfection. However, this chemical requires a higher budget than chlorine, even though they play a similar role.
Why Bromine?
Because it enables you to keep your water clean and crystalline. Then, it’s the most widespread water disinfectant treatment for hot-tubs.
Bromine is also softer than chlorine and does not have a smell. It irritates neither the eyes nor the skin. It’s therefore ideal for people who suffer from allergies and for children. Moreover, it has a long-lasting effect compared to chlorine. Last but not least, it remains effective even if the water temperature is elevated.
Bromine stays effective even in warm water!
Even if the water has a pH level between 7 and 7.8., bromine properly sanitizes the water. And its disinfectant action goes beyond a pH of 8! In addition, the latter stays effective even if other water parameters are "bad", unlike chlorine.
How to Use It?
We recommend you treat your hot-tub with bromine, as it is less dependent on the water parameters than chlorine. Ideally, the rate should always be situated between 2 and 5 mg/L (the best is 3). Using a regenerator (shock treatment) every 15 days maintains the efficiency of the water disinfection. This process enables you to avoid bromine wasting.
Generally, bromine is in the form of pebbles, pellets, or sticks. They are placed in a diffuser to ensure an effective dissolution. More volatile than chlorine, it disperses more easily in the water. Depending on the quality of the product, the disinfection can last between 7 and 15 days. Once this period has passed, you should treat with shock chlorine (see our shop) or by adding some bromine depending on the rate in the water.
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