How to reopen your pool this spring

As the winter season comes to an end and the temperatures begin to warm up, it’s time to start thinking about reopening your pool for the spring and summer seasons.
When reopening the pool?
You should get your pool out of winter mode as soon as possible. It takes place after the frost season and before the water in your pool reaches 12°C. At this temperature, bacteria and microorganisms will start to proliferate.
In general, the opening of the pool takes place between mid-march and the end of April.
How to reopen your pool?
Properly reopening your pool ensures that it’s clean, safe, and ready for use. Here are some steps you can take to make sure your pool is ready for the new season.
1. Remove the Cover
The first step in reopening your pool is to remove the pool cover. Start by pumping off any standing water that may have accumulated on the cover, then carefully remove the cover and clean it before storing it away for the season
2. Clean and Vacuum
Once the cover is off, it's time to clean the pool. Use a skimmer to remove any debris that may have fallen into the pool over the winter, such as leaves or twigs. Then, use a pool vacuum to remove any dirt that may have settled on the bottom of the pool
3. Check the pool equipment
It’s important to check that all the pool equipment is working properly. Inspect the pump, filter, and heater to ensure they are in good condition and functioning correctly. If you notice any problems, it’s best to address them starting the season
4. Remove winter equiment and fill the pool
Remove the "gizzmo" from the skimmers and the winterization plugs from the discharge nozzles/brushes. Remove the winterization float line. Fill the pool until the level reaches halfway up the skimmer
5. Test the Water
Before you can start adding chemicals to your pool, you'll need to test the water with a test strip to determine its alkalinity, hardness, and stabilizer levels. Once you know the levels, you can adjust them as needed using the appropriate chemicals. After that, use the EcO probe by iopool to monitor the pH level and the ORP.
6. Shock the Pool
To help kill any bacteria or algae that may have grown in your pool over the winter, you'll probably need to shock the pool with shock chlorine or oxygen active. Follow the instructions on the chlorine package carefully, and be sure to run your pool's pump and filter system for several hours to ensure that the chlorine is evenly distributed throughout the pool.
7. Balance the Chemicals
After shocking the pool, you'll need to keep monitoring the pool. The easiest way to do so is to use a connected port like EcO
8. Enjoy Your Pool
Once your pool is clean and balanced, it's time to start enjoying it! Be sure to maintain the water chemistry throughout the summer, and keep up with regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure that your pool stays in top condition.
Reopening your pool may seem like a daunting task, but by following these simple steps, you can ensure that your pool is ready for a summer full of fun in the sun!