How Can I Lower The Chlorine Level In My Pool?

The ideal free chlorine level for your pool is between 1 and 3 ppm. When this level exceeds 4 ppm, you may feel discomfort caused by this over-concentration. Such as irritation and drying of the skin, an unpleasant odor, or damage to your liner and pool equipment.
iopool gives you the proper procedures and infallible methods to quickly lower the chlorine level in your pool.
The Proper Procedures
1. Stop Disinfection
First, stop all sources of chlorine. Depending on the type of disinfection of your pool, you will need to remove the chlorine tablets or pebbles, turn off the chlorinator, or stop the automatic injectors.
2. Let The Pool Breathe
Next, it is important to let the pool breathe. Remove the pool cover, activate the continuous filtration, and allow evaporation to take place.
It is important to note that the UV rays of the sun disintegrate chlorine in the pool. Therefore, favor the hours when the pool is most exposed to the sun for maximum efficiency.
Depending on the degree of chlorine saturation present in the pool and the capacity of your pool, it will take several hours to several days for the rate to drop to a normal level. If the above steps are not sufficient, you can then adopt more drastic solutions.
Drastic solutions To Lower The Chlorine Level
Replace Some Of The Water
If the above techniques are not sufficient, you can renew part of the pool water with non-chlorinated water. This method is very effective and will considerably reduce the concentration of chlorine in the water. However, it can be slow and expensive depending on the size of your pool. Also, remember to check the pool water balance parameters once the pool is filled with new water.
Use A Neutralizer
Sodium thiosulfate is used to neutralize the chlorine in the water. However, this solution carries many risks and dangers and should only be used in case of extreme overdose.
When using this type of product, it is essential to follow the supplier's recommendations for use.
How Can An Overdose Of Chlorine Be Avoided?
In order to avoid too much chlorine in the pool, it is very important to analyze the pool water regularly to ensure that its quality and balance are optimal.
There are different methods to measure the chlorine level in your pool such as colorimetric strips, tablet or drop analysis kits, and electronic probes, such as the iopool EcO connected water analyzer.
With the regular monitoring of your water parameters offered by iopool, you can avoid overdosing of chlorine thanks to a disinfection potential (ORP) analysis carried out every 15 minutes.
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